Tag: Nutri-Balance

Schwarzkopf Gliss Kur team asked us to develop a label design for their new Gliss Kur subline Nutri-Balance Repair.

New technologies require new designs


The challenge

The task was to develop a label design for the new Gliss Kur sub line Nutri-Balance Repair, which supports the healthy balance of scalp microbiome and laying the foundation for silken smooth hair. These benefits should be transported to the user through the design. Color code and label design need to have a balance of natural appeal and technological performance.

Our work

The current Gliss Kur baseline range shows the performance of the product closed in a box. But new technologies require a new appearance.
The difference started already with Bio-Tech Restore. Product name and main formula components are communicated above the box.

On the other hand, performance and hair type recommendation are located in the lower part. As a result, this clear straightforward structure ensures that the consumer is informed about the differences at first glance. But it leaves little room for emotionality and naturalness. Most importantly, the visual now shows not only the performance, but also the effective ingredients.

Back to Nutri-Balance Repair:

The amorphous, authentic form of the liquid correlates with the representation of the birch leaf. Therefore, it appears as if it had been photographed with an X-ray machine. Most importantly, we were able to combine the natural ingredients and the technology contained in the formula in one image. As a result, we could explain them to the consumer at a glance. The apparent translucency of the visual and the white box make the text stand out. So, it provides clear explanatory information. The soft turquoise shade with a hint of blue generates a pleasantly caring feeling. Consequently, it highlights the silicone- and colorant-free composition.

This label design of Gliss Kur Nutri-Balance Repair follows on seamlessly from that of Gliss Kur Bio-Tech Restore. It is the first new product of the range that combines science with naturalness and whose design also originates from baries design.


New Gliss Kur subline Nutri-Balance Repair made by baries

New Schwarzkopf Nutri-Balance Repair made by baries

Schwarzkopf Gliss Kur Nurti-Balace Repair on the web: click here

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