Tag: veggie

Launch of first meat alternatives by Metro’s private label ‚Chef‘

In 2021 Metro launched its first veggie products – a new range offering meat alternatives such as plant-based beef, gyros or shoarma strips.


The growing trend of substituting meat is an important part of today’s eco-conscious society and we’re happy to join forces with Metro to promote more sustainable food consumption.

Our task was to develop the packaging design for the new plant-based food range „Veggie“ – a product line intended to meet the growing appetite for plant-based foods whilst speaking to convenience shoppers in terms of design. Because Metro is a wholesaler, it’s of particular importance to direct the design towards chefs rather than the end consumer. Additionally, the design had to be integrated into and beyond the existing corporate identity of the umbrella brand ‘Chef’.

Our work

Despite the growing trend of plant-based foods, many people still doubt whether the products will taste as good as their meat-based counterparts. Therefore, it was key to not only communicate the eco-friendliness of the products but also an appealing taste.

METRO Chef Veggie, Plant-Based Food, Packaging Design 2021, developed with baries

METRO Chef Veggie, Plant-Based Food, Packaging Design 2021, developed with baries

The primary colour in the veggie-category is green, which we combined with a light wood look in order to communicate naturalness and freshness. An integrated viewing window as well as an appetising product presentation aim to convince consumers of the product’s deliciousness and similar taste to its non-veggie version. Moreover, imperfect and colourful fonts create a natural look and feel while the subtle illustration of the logo on top adds a slightly playful element.

Nowadays icons are crucial for consumer education and make it much easier to understand actual properties of the product. In addition to the three pictograms on the bottom of the label, we included a more prominent disruptive element in the top left to highlight the plant-based quality. The animal from which the non-veggie food would have been derived is placed within the „meat-free“ icon showing the plant that is substituting its meat. This not only is a simple way of communicating the product clearly but also catches the consumer’s attention.

METRO Chef Veggie, Plant-Based Food, Packaging Design 2021, developed with baries

METRO Chef Veggie, Plant-Based Food, Packaging Design 2021, developed with baries

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